youtube-Fundstück: „Travel Diary“
„Travel Diary“ ist ein Animationsfilm über ein Reisetagebuch, welches per Post von Taiwan, in die USA, nach Afrika und dann zurück nach Asien – nach Taipeh – geschickt wird. Jeder der Orte prägt sich visuell poetisch in das Buch ein. Dieser youtube-Fund stammt aus der Hand von Keng-Ming Liu, der dafür 2006 den Adobe Design Achievement Award bekommen hat.

Bei youtube zu lesen:
„Travel Diary is a 2D animation using digital collage, video, photography, stop motion, composting and traditional illustration skills. Being alone in New York pushed Keng-Ming Liu into a dark corner and he released his anxiety by communicating with my friends throughout world. He condensed his thoughts and feelings into travel diaries, attempting to illustrate the stark differences between countries and cultures in various ways and awaken everyone’s desire to travel. The beauty of art is revealed with the words we write down, the sketches we draw, the stickers people put on our luggage and every piece of life we experience. „

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